Bed Wetting AlarmColourful with single tone, multi-tone or vibrating versionsCode: ALARM 038 MULTITONE
Bedside Motion Sensor and PagerThis motion sensor with an alert pager for the carer, will allow you to receive the alert and let you know that your patient is getting up or moving about.Code: MOTION SENSOR SAFETY SYSTEMIn Stock€75.01QtyAdd to Cart
Home Safety AlertIdeal for carers looking after someone in the homeCode: HOME ALERT SYSTEMIn Stock€97.99QtyAdd to Cart
Recordable Dual Cord AlarmThe Dual Alarm can be used as a recordable bed or chair exit alarm, which works with one of our sensor pads or floor matsCode: DUAL ALARM TL-3100VIn Stock€104.55QtyAdd to Cart
Weight Sensor MatWeight sensitive senor pads placed under or behind a patient, trigger an alarm when the weight is removed from themCode: CHAIR SENSOR PAD
Wireless Bed Senor Pad and Alarm (incl adapter)This wireless bed exit alarm system is ideal for caring for the elderly, and/or those with dementia or Alzheimer's.Code: BED SENSOR PAD ALARM WIRELESIn Stock€227.00QtyAdd to Cart
Wireless Chair Sensor Pad and Alarm (incl adapter)This wireless chair exit alarm system is ideal for caring for the elderly, and/or those with dementia or Alzheimer's. By not having the alarm in the room where the patient is located, they will not become confused or upset by the alert noise as they try to stand. But the carer will hear the alert immediately in other rooms in the home or building, even in the garden!Code: CHAIR SENSOR PAD ALARM WIRELIn Stock€179.00QtyAdd to Cart
Wireless Floor Sensor Pad and Alarm (incl adapter)This is a high quality, rubber, cord free floor mat with wireless pager/alert which means there is no alarm noise in patient's room.Code: FLOOR SENSOR MAT ALARM WIRELIn Stock€299.00QtyAdd to Cart
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